Universal Laws
You have the power to control your day. That was the enjoyable idea I brought  away from the movie, “The Secret”.Whether I am happy or sad depends on my thoughts that are controlling my emotions. Those emotions are controlling my actions. Sometimes I am happy, sometimes I'm not. It's up to me and my thoughts, and how those thoughts govern my emotions, and thus my actions.In my life, I use the law of attraction techniques so that my goals are aligned and set up for me top reach them.

With the law of attraction, implement these three techniques to change your life.

1. Visualization.

If you're having problems focusing on your goals, use this technique, but it isn't easy.

Staying focused is not easy when your mind is echoing with thoughts like the noise in a busy train station.As pulling a screen across a window, so are the worries, problems, and deadlines that get in way of successfully visualizing our goals.When I can't manage to concentrate, I've found that dropping what I'm doing and starting to do something I love helps immensely.By engaging this very important tip, the law of attraction will become easier for you.Once you have engaged this technique, use your refreshed mind to concentrate on your dreams and goals.

The major tenet of the law of attraction is that like attracts like. That is why positive thinking and visualization are such a large part of the method.However you choose to worship, or not, is meaningless regarding the law – how you think is what brings good or bad things into your life.Our thoughts, subconscious or conscious, attract the happenings, both good or bad, in our lives and thus we are responsible for the state in which we find ourselves.

2. Gratitude.

Giving thanks is so much a part of our lives or our worship, we often overlook the fact that it can be life-changing.

To reinforce the power of gratitude, I've come up with some ways to give thanks. So that I recognize how it makes me a better person, a happier person.

Every day, wake up and give thanks.

Before you arise, lay abed and examine each thing for which you are grateful. So doing will flush you with positive energy to propel you successfully through the day.

Challenges are a gift, be grateful for them.

Are you a complainer or an optimist? How you deal with challenges makes you one or the other. Don't whine, view each challenge as an opportunity.

If you're caught in a day that just isn't going your way, you need to take a few minutes and make yourself a gratitude list.

We all have them. The quickest cure is to jot down those things that make you thankful or bring you joy.

What you have may seem too little for thanks, but it isn't.

One of the rules upon which the simple law of attraction works is being grateful for what you have. You may seem particularly lacking in some areas and want more or better things in your life. Remember, there are folks out there going to bed hungry, living in places without proper sanitation, walking around in rags, wondering where they can find clean water. Just drawing clean water from a tap or opening your refrigerator should give you plenty of reasons to consider yourself well-off.

3.Tomorrow always comes and it's just the same as yesterday without action.

The movie, “The Secret” has a rather simplistic view of the law of attraction.The action required to manifest wealth is skimmed over, too much emphasis is placed on visualization and positive thinking.More than just wishful thinking, the law of attraction demands more if you are to find your significant other or lose weight.

Action, that's what this feel-good movie skims over. The law of attraction requires action.

Your quotidian concerns can divert you from taking the steps to turn your goals and aspirations into reality.

If this is the case, you need to do a few things to prevent life's distractions from sidetracking you.

You can only think about problems or challenges to a certain point before thinking becomes as big a problem as the one you're trying to change.Nothing is perfect. Don't let perfection stand in the way. Do your best, but keep the goal as the top concern.Take your time, conserve your strength, be methodical.

The law of attraction will help you gain your goals more effectively and efficiently if you keep the above tips in mind. Before you know it, you will be living the life you want to have on this earth.
It’s no secret that keeping a positive mental attitude is important in life.  Listed below are three optimistic thinking pointers that will keep your spirits up during tough times.  It's not easy to stay optimistic , when life don't go the way you planned or hope for.

The very first of my positive thinking tips is to practice and make it into a habit of asking the correct questions.  So what am I trying to say?  Well, our way of thinking is for the most part controlled by the questions we ask ourselves on a regular basis.  Not convincing enough for you? Just watch your own thoughts for an hour or so.  An awful lot of people often make the same mistake of asking themselves the wrong questions.  Things like “Why does this always happen to me?” or “How come life has to be so hard?”  Many of these questions are based on the assumption that bad situations alway happens to you and that life is tough.  Beliefs like these will only reaffirm this to you and becomes a self fullfilling prophecy.

Try asking yourself questions that are less negative and more likely to help aligned you with your desires.   Maybe things like “What is the positive outcome to this situation?” or “What can I be excited about today?”  Questions like these help strengthen positive beliefs into your mind and can help you stay optimistic.  It might be tough at first to modify your thought process (since you've been thinking and asking yourself the same style of questions for awhile), but is the results are worth it.

Another one of my positive thinking tips is to start keeping a gratitude journal.  This could be as easy as keeping a little notebook by your bed and writing down everything you are thankful for that occurred to you that day.  Write down what you are gracious for in your day to day life.  This can be anything at all.  I remember once I wrote down “I am grateful I caught the bus to work just in time today” and then the next day I wrote “I am grateful I missed the bus because it gave me time to read the newspaper in a cafe while I waited for the next bus.”  Doing this often enough, you will start to fully grasp that life isn't as unpleasant as it seems, and that you will start to have a more optimistic perspective on life.

My last positive thinking tip is to sit down and write about your ideal life, precisely the way you want it to be.  Make sure you write down every single detail.  When I did this I nearly wrote 10 pages about every last possible detail you can think of.  I was very descriptive of all the places I wanted to travel and live, how much money I made, and who I wanted to spend it with.  This may take some time, but I guarantee you that doing this will make you feel great, help you concentrate on your goals,and  put you in alignment with your desires.

So try out these three positive thinking tips and you should see your mental attitude towards life turn around rapidly.  Positive thinking really can enhance your life and help you gain things that you never thought possible.
Have you heard of The Secret or the Law of Attraction? Then you probably are eager to make those dreams a reality in your life These are some Law of Attraction techniques that I'm going to share with you that you would possibly enjoy.

The first thing to do is to create the "have it now" feeling. If you watched The Secret, you may know that you need to act and believe as if you already have what you wished for. If you want to know what success feels like, then this method will work wonders for you. Just choose a place where no one can disturb you. Next, close your eyes and concentrate on what you want and take a walk. Begin by walking around your neighborhood. Pretend as if you have what you desired. Pretend you're already a millionaire if you want money. Pretend that you've got your ideal relationship if you want love. Whatever you want in life, pretend that you have it. You need to change the way you act and think as if it is already yours.

I feel like I already got what I would like every time I do this. I suddenly realize that there is nothing left to struggle for or fight against because there's nothing left but contentment. This is an awesome feeling. This Law of Attraction technique is my favorite.

The second thing to perform is to be thankful in what you have. Having a grateful attitude is among the elements that makes the Law of Attraction work for you. When you're thankful in things that you have, it's like you're saying to the Universe, "Thank you for all the blessings you have given me." The Universe would reciprocate and give you more things to be thankful for.

One of the easiest way to cultivate the feelings of gratitude is to have a gratitude journal. Whatever you are grateful for, write them down on your paper..  You'll learn that you can be grateful for just about anything there is in your life. One day I wrote that I was grateful that I caught the bus on time and I wasn't late for an appointment. The following day I wrote down I was grateful for missing the bus because it gave me the chance to listen to the birds sing while I waited for another bus. This technique of the Law of Attraction is very effective for changing your thought patterns.

Third move to make is just take the first step. Some people wouldn't normally take a chance to move towards their goal because they don't know the plan on how to get what they want. This shouldn't prevent you.  People that achieved their dreams didn't have any idea what the plan is, to achieve these dreams. Simply take the first step and wait for the next opportunity to come.

At the same time, don't just drag your feet waiting for the traffic lights in your life to turn green. You can take the first step and wait for the Universe to bring in the next opportunity for you. There are times that Universe won't give you the precise thing that you want, but it can give you anything that you like.  Be ready to be flexible and to adjust yourself when the right time comes..  You will be able to accept this important technique Law of Attraction have.

Start to see some real, tangible results in your life once you use these three Law of Attraction techniques. Whatever your goals are in life are, at least you can start to get ideas about things you can do do achieve those goals. You can achieve your dreams and there's nothing left but to have courage and faith for yourself.