Universal Laws
The world is led by seven Laws. One example of these laws is the Law of Attraction (The Law of Perpetual Transmutation). So what is the Law of Attraction? Every single element consist of energy, from dirt to the birds flying above us to the nails on your fingertips.  A lot of stuff you encounter and touch is constructed of real energy.  If you broke facts down from molecules to atoms, eventually energy will be the only thing left.

So exactly how does energy relate to the Law of Attraction?  Look at this this, there isn't any solid substance holding your feelings and morals together. All of your emotions and thoughts consist of genuine energy. If energy makes up the Universe, why not use our emotions to create reality?

Our beliefs and emotions attract the good and bad circumstances that occurs in our lives.  For everything that occurs to you, take responsibility.  You might be wondering, so how did I ask for that stubbed toe I got this morning , ran out of toilet paper and on top of that spilled coffee on my favorite shirt? Stubbing your toe created a chain reaction of negative feelings that led to a bad start to your day. Then again, being optimistic can have a chain reaction of positive events in your life.  Beginning every day with the positive view on your life can lead to a good morning.  You will need to believe that you have the power to control the outcome of your day by monitoring your thoughts and emotions.

There is three steps that are necessary factors to the Law of Attraction.

Ask: It is very important that you picture in your head what you want to occur. The world would not recognize what to provide you until you ask for it.

Believe without a doubt that what you're asking for is for sure going to happen.  Even the slightest uncertainty or fear are just going to get in the way of you manifesting your dreams. Just know that the world has solutions for what you ask for.

Receive: You shouldn't assume what you want is just going to fall in your lap.  If you wish to reach the your goals, you must attempt to take part in accomplishing your endeavors. Don't miss out , when you see a break, don't hesitate!! Live life and be grateful for it as if you have already receive what you want.
I usually notice people making exactly the same mistake when they begin using the law of attraction: action.  Obviously anyone can set out the purpose to do or gain something and that the universe will just simply hand it over to you.  Sadly to say, this doesn't happen as often as we like  Just having a mental picture of all your desires isn't going to get you very far if you're not prepared to put any work into it .

Am I implying the secret is all hype?  No, the secret does indeed work.  You must make and effort  into your life for you to make your dreams a reality.

There is not a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you visualize it hard enough.  That brand new outfit you've had your eyesight on isn't going to magically show up onto your doorstep if you just sit there and dream for it to happen..  And regardless of how much you believe in it, the junk food and pizza diet isn't going to make you slender and healthy.  When using the law of attraction in your life, merely visualizing isn't enough to turn your dreams into a reality.  You will have to put effort into your life to manifest your desired outcome.

Remember in The Secret,  Jack Canfield shared a story about how precisely he made $100,000 per year applying the law of attraction.  Was visualization a huge factor to his achievement?  Indeed he did.  He took steps into his own hands, getting the desired end result he wanted.  He wrote his own book, came across his own idea of promoting his book in the Enquirer, and took the chance to be interviewed when the opportunity arrived.  The important word here is: inspired.It is possible to visualize and stay positive. Consistently using visualization and positive thinking will attract opportunities to you. For example, you're thinking of buying a home, you may encounter someone who's in the real estate business.  It is essential that you just follow these nudges find the time to go visit that house and feel what it’s like to be in it.  It's taking things into your own hands and talking to that Realtor and finding out what he can do for you.  This is what we call the Law of Attraction in action.

If your using the law of attraction and action is step 2 to accomplishing your goals, you shouldn't hesitate.  You may need to put in the time and visualize and work on yourself so you feel encouraged or reassured in yourself so that you will be able to take the necessary actions to accomplish your goals.  If you do all the inner work to get your thinking straight, all the actions you'll need to take will seem very easy and effortless.  Taking your destiny into your own hands will be a natural feeling and it wouldn't seem like it's a chore to do.
“The Secret” is a docudrama with a focus on the Law of Attraction. The impact it has had on people across the earth has been great, and may be one of the reasons why you're reading this article.“The Secret”, a website for a movie of the same name, has a page full of the emotional testimonials of folks who have tried using the law of attraction and found it to work.A hoax, a silly marketing tool, was about all that many who saw them film pegged on  the secret law of attraction.

My own experience has shown me that the secret does indeed work. As I become more adept at making it work, I can say that the secret can have a powerfully positive effect on life.The law of attraction works, and there are thousands of folks besides myself who have had experiences like mine. Of course, there are others who have tried to use the secret but have failed miserably and the law of attraction has been criticized loudly by them.

So, you say, I've tried it to no avail. Why not?

Application. That is the root of your problem with the secret. You must apply the secret in an appropriate and relevant way and you must be persistent and precise.The way application of the law is made is its secret. Patience and persistence are needed – don't just expect a purse-full of gold to be thrown in your door.

Humans have huge brains in relation to their body size, and it is a powerful machine when properly harnessed.The secret law of attraction isn't just a “wishing machine”. It needs to have the full power, the full faith of your controlled mind to work.Your subconscious mind, though it's machinations may be invisible, is the powerful tool that will grease the cogs of the secret law of attraction.Believing in the power of your mind is essential to getting the law of attraction to work for you. With that power you can unlock doors, answer questions, and find that which was lost.If you have no faith, if you have no certainty, if you have fear in your heart, or if you have scorn for the secret law, it will not work for you.

You must absolutely focus:

Without focus, you are like a ball gone wild at a ping-pong tournament. I know from my own life experience that focus is all-important.Don't treat your thoughts as if they are on a roller-coaster ride. Thoughts create emotions, if your thoughts are erratic, up and down, you'll never get anything going in the right direction.A very clear, a very precise, a very detailed picture is what you need to have in your conscious mind to impress your subconscious mind.

Dig deep into your soul:

Philosophers are fine for thinking about thinking, but being in a constant state of thought alone never gets anyone anywhere.Your subconscious mind is the powerful driver that will allow you to see your desires manifest themselves. To control your subconscious mind, you must be in touch with your feelings. Remember that thoughts control emotions and emotions control actions.

Don't forget to act:

The secret law of attraction. Notice that the last word in the previous sentence has “action” as its last part. That's what's required to make the law work – action.You can visualize something forever, but it won't appear by itself. You must take action.

Apply it consistently, apply it properly, that is what is required to make the law of attraction work.Getting your subconscious mind to work in the way you want it to takes persistence and practice.Channeling your thoughts and emotions and focusing on your desires is what will make the secret law of attraction work for you.Once you get it set in your mind, once your inner eye has that perfect picture, then take actions to achieve your goal.

The secret law of attraction will help you manifest your goals whether they be for wealth, or love, or happiness – or all three.If you get frustrated, just remember, the moment you quit is usually the moment right before you finally realize your dreams.
Most people become aware of the law of attraction and their thoughts immediately turn to riches. Makes sense, right? The universe is bountiful, asking for wealth from that abundance is a no-brainer. Who wouldn't love the freedom and peace of mind that wealth can offer.

Rich or poor, let's be honest, which is better? Rich is, of course. Wealth doesn't buy happiness, but it sure does offer some comfort.

We all have the ability to attract wealth, we just need to know how to go about it.

First, negative thoughts along with negative people have to be banished from your life. You probably know that, according to the law of attraction, you must constantly visualize and focus on the positive outcomes you want for your life. When someone tries to get ahead, to start off in a positive direction, friends and family, strangers and acquaintances, will often jeer with words of discouragement. How do you deal with them?

In spite of how they may seem at the moment, these folks are probably just trying to help – they don't want to see you disappointed or hurt. Folks usually aren't negative on purpose; perhaps they don't understand what you already know; that it takes much faith, desire, and perseverance to be successful, to attract wealth.

Your first steps are often your most arduous. You should probably avoid these folks for the time being. Surprisingly, you'll probably find that once you get rolling the nay-sayers will stand aside.

Second, since the universe is there, and since it is so big, why not dream in a big way? Don't play small. Perhaps you're thinking that you should be reasonable in your request. Think of what you really, really want. Then go for that.

Don't temper you goal with the word “realistic”. Opt for “far-fetched”. Far-fetched goals are often easier to reach than “real” ones. You've got lot more competition when you opt for “realistic goals”. Most people opt for those. Do you think Bill Gates had decided that his company would be a small, “realistic” company? Probably not. Getting by or a decent job are not goals. They are what everybody who has no goals get.

The universe is expanding according to scientists. Expand your goals. If getting by or being realistic is your goal, why bother?

Thirdly, actions speak loudly! Of course, sitting around contemplating your navel isn't going to do anything except helping to better know your navel. Did you ever look at the odds on a lottery ticket? The odds are millions to one that you will hit the jackpot. About the same odds if you just sit around thinking about being rich.
It's been said many times in many ways: Positive thinking and firm belief can help you manifest wealth in many forms.

Napoleon Hill has written a book, “Think and Grow Rich”, that outlines how one can go about manifesting wealth in one's life.This tome is full of inspirational stories about average people who were able to lift themselves out of lives of personal and financial ruin and through the power of positive thinking and persistence bring wealth of many kinds into their lives.

Hill dispenses some basic principles as to how to go about manifesting wealth in ordinary lives:

Developing a Burning Desire for Riches – This is not to mean that you can just sit around hoping. You must develop a desire that is all-consuming. This is the crux of realizing wealth of all kinds in your life. Hill asks the reader to be specific. He instructs us to write down how much, by when, what kind, and the plan to get it. Once you've come up with the list, Hill instructs you to read it – ALOUD – twice a day to brand the answers on your conscious and subconscious mine.

Develop Faith in Your Ability at Manifesting Wealth –  There is a great saying, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”You must have the deepest feelings that a financially secure life is coming to you, you must have faith that it is coming.The universe is at your service, Hill asserts. It will grant you everything that you desire. That is the thinking meant to evolve by reading your list twice a day.

Act with Persistence Toward Your Goal –  This is the third step to realizing wealth, continuous and persistent action.

In my observation, there is a broad distinction between wishers and hopers and those that seem to pull together anything they want; the difference is action. They act, they move, they make realities.Effortless, easy, that's what action will feel like once you have developed a burning desire and absolute faith that you will have financial rewards.

The 10,000 failures of Thomas Edison are part of his legend. He kept at it, knowing in his heart he was right and that it would happen, eventually,Look at him this way: Step One – he had a strong desire to create a source of light. He believed in himself – Step Two. Step Three – he kept plodding along in the face of many failures until he got to where he knew he could go.

Determination brings your goal into reality. If you are focused on the outcome, if you truly believe you can do it, if you have persistence, the world is yours.
I'd be lying if I said I was always optimistic.  I had bad days and good ones, just like any person. My thoughts are clearer now, thanks to the time I spend writing about the Law of Attraction. In order to control our actions in life, we must have a handle on our thoughts and emotions.

Whether we are happy or not, lies heavily on a deciding factor, our actions in life. 

It wasn't easy for me during certain times where I took defeat and just wanted to give up.      I was feeling down during tough days, and often wondered why it had to happen to me.   I realized, I was asking all the wrong questions.      The expression, 'if at first you don't succeed, try and try again', makes a lot of sense here.     It's harder than it seems.       Manifesting change is difficult, but here are some thoughts that you should keep in mind.

Humans are capable of creating in the present time, which is a great thing.      People have the ability to create anything.      Thoughts are like two sparks, and they need to attract, and once that happens, it creates this pure energy.   Thoughts can be very magnetic.     They attract thoughts from people and align them.      Even though, years ago these statements were looked at jokingly, today, they are scientifically proven.   Law of Gravity is real, but so is the Law of Attraction.    Dwelling on everything that went wrong will only bring you more misery. 

Staying positive was very appealing to me, and I thought it was going to be very easy.    Think when using affirmations, because if you are being mindless, they aren't very effective.   It is difficult to change how your subconscious mind works.   Get more chances in your life by changing your belief system.    In order to succeed, you must seek out the opportunities because we don't attract success without taking the action to grab them.   Fate can't do all the work; it’s going to take a little work from you. 

Cause and effect happen all the time in the world.   This rule applies to our thoughts and we sometimes forget this.     If our thoughts are removed from the cause, we might fail to see the effect. 

The subconscious mind operates all day long and it doesn't have an off switch.   Thoughts aren't evaluated or examined by it.   Our conscious mind is fixated on things and it just accepts this.      Be aware that you are attracting problems and solutions by thinking.     Be grateful for your blessings and life will give you more opportunities to enjoy more blessings.  If you want these opportunities to come your way, it’s up to you. 

You can't deny the Law of Attraction, the same way you can't deny the Law of Gravity.     To determine whether the universe laws are in our favor will depend on the conscious and unconscious thoughts we have.    Keep fighting for your goals.     Stay focused.      Success can lead to more and more opportunities.  To reach the path of your desired goal, you must overcome many obstacles. 
You have the power to control your day. That was the enjoyable idea I brought  away from the movie, “The Secret”.Whether I am happy or sad depends on my thoughts that are controlling my emotions. Those emotions are controlling my actions. Sometimes I am happy, sometimes I'm not. It's up to me and my thoughts, and how those thoughts govern my emotions, and thus my actions.In my life, I use the law of attraction techniques so that my goals are aligned and set up for me top reach them.

With the law of attraction, implement these three techniques to change your life.

1. Visualization.

If you're having problems focusing on your goals, use this technique, but it isn't easy.

Staying focused is not easy when your mind is echoing with thoughts like the noise in a busy train station.As pulling a screen across a window, so are the worries, problems, and deadlines that get in way of successfully visualizing our goals.When I can't manage to concentrate, I've found that dropping what I'm doing and starting to do something I love helps immensely.By engaging this very important tip, the law of attraction will become easier for you.Once you have engaged this technique, use your refreshed mind to concentrate on your dreams and goals.

The major tenet of the law of attraction is that like attracts like. That is why positive thinking and visualization are such a large part of the method.However you choose to worship, or not, is meaningless regarding the law – how you think is what brings good or bad things into your life.Our thoughts, subconscious or conscious, attract the happenings, both good or bad, in our lives and thus we are responsible for the state in which we find ourselves.

2. Gratitude.

Giving thanks is so much a part of our lives or our worship, we often overlook the fact that it can be life-changing.

To reinforce the power of gratitude, I've come up with some ways to give thanks. So that I recognize how it makes me a better person, a happier person.

Every day, wake up and give thanks.

Before you arise, lay abed and examine each thing for which you are grateful. So doing will flush you with positive energy to propel you successfully through the day.

Challenges are a gift, be grateful for them.

Are you a complainer or an optimist? How you deal with challenges makes you one or the other. Don't whine, view each challenge as an opportunity.

If you're caught in a day that just isn't going your way, you need to take a few minutes and make yourself a gratitude list.

We all have them. The quickest cure is to jot down those things that make you thankful or bring you joy.

What you have may seem too little for thanks, but it isn't.

One of the rules upon which the simple law of attraction works is being grateful for what you have. You may seem particularly lacking in some areas and want more or better things in your life. Remember, there are folks out there going to bed hungry, living in places without proper sanitation, walking around in rags, wondering where they can find clean water. Just drawing clean water from a tap or opening your refrigerator should give you plenty of reasons to consider yourself well-off.

3.Tomorrow always comes and it's just the same as yesterday without action.

The movie, “The Secret” has a rather simplistic view of the law of attraction.The action required to manifest wealth is skimmed over, too much emphasis is placed on visualization and positive thinking.More than just wishful thinking, the law of attraction demands more if you are to find your significant other or lose weight.

Action, that's what this feel-good movie skims over. The law of attraction requires action.

Your quotidian concerns can divert you from taking the steps to turn your goals and aspirations into reality.

If this is the case, you need to do a few things to prevent life's distractions from sidetracking you.

You can only think about problems or challenges to a certain point before thinking becomes as big a problem as the one you're trying to change.Nothing is perfect. Don't let perfection stand in the way. Do your best, but keep the goal as the top concern.Take your time, conserve your strength, be methodical.

The law of attraction will help you gain your goals more effectively and efficiently if you keep the above tips in mind. Before you know it, you will be living the life you want to have on this earth.
It’s no secret that keeping a positive mental attitude is important in life.  Listed below are three optimistic thinking pointers that will keep your spirits up during tough times.  It's not easy to stay optimistic , when life don't go the way you planned or hope for.

The very first of my positive thinking tips is to practice and make it into a habit of asking the correct questions.  So what am I trying to say?  Well, our way of thinking is for the most part controlled by the questions we ask ourselves on a regular basis.  Not convincing enough for you? Just watch your own thoughts for an hour or so.  An awful lot of people often make the same mistake of asking themselves the wrong questions.  Things like “Why does this always happen to me?” or “How come life has to be so hard?”  Many of these questions are based on the assumption that bad situations alway happens to you and that life is tough.  Beliefs like these will only reaffirm this to you and becomes a self fullfilling prophecy.

Try asking yourself questions that are less negative and more likely to help aligned you with your desires.   Maybe things like “What is the positive outcome to this situation?” or “What can I be excited about today?”  Questions like these help strengthen positive beliefs into your mind and can help you stay optimistic.  It might be tough at first to modify your thought process (since you've been thinking and asking yourself the same style of questions for awhile), but is the results are worth it.

Another one of my positive thinking tips is to start keeping a gratitude journal.  This could be as easy as keeping a little notebook by your bed and writing down everything you are thankful for that occurred to you that day.  Write down what you are gracious for in your day to day life.  This can be anything at all.  I remember once I wrote down “I am grateful I caught the bus to work just in time today” and then the next day I wrote “I am grateful I missed the bus because it gave me time to read the newspaper in a cafe while I waited for the next bus.”  Doing this often enough, you will start to fully grasp that life isn't as unpleasant as it seems, and that you will start to have a more optimistic perspective on life.

My last positive thinking tip is to sit down and write about your ideal life, precisely the way you want it to be.  Make sure you write down every single detail.  When I did this I nearly wrote 10 pages about every last possible detail you can think of.  I was very descriptive of all the places I wanted to travel and live, how much money I made, and who I wanted to spend it with.  This may take some time, but I guarantee you that doing this will make you feel great, help you concentrate on your goals,and  put you in alignment with your desires.

So try out these three positive thinking tips and you should see your mental attitude towards life turn around rapidly.  Positive thinking really can enhance your life and help you gain things that you never thought possible.
Have you heard of The Secret or the Law of Attraction? Then you probably are eager to make those dreams a reality in your life These are some Law of Attraction techniques that I'm going to share with you that you would possibly enjoy.

The first thing to do is to create the "have it now" feeling. If you watched The Secret, you may know that you need to act and believe as if you already have what you wished for. If you want to know what success feels like, then this method will work wonders for you. Just choose a place where no one can disturb you. Next, close your eyes and concentrate on what you want and take a walk. Begin by walking around your neighborhood. Pretend as if you have what you desired. Pretend you're already a millionaire if you want money. Pretend that you've got your ideal relationship if you want love. Whatever you want in life, pretend that you have it. You need to change the way you act and think as if it is already yours.

I feel like I already got what I would like every time I do this. I suddenly realize that there is nothing left to struggle for or fight against because there's nothing left but contentment. This is an awesome feeling. This Law of Attraction technique is my favorite.

The second thing to perform is to be thankful in what you have. Having a grateful attitude is among the elements that makes the Law of Attraction work for you. When you're thankful in things that you have, it's like you're saying to the Universe, "Thank you for all the blessings you have given me." The Universe would reciprocate and give you more things to be thankful for.

One of the easiest way to cultivate the feelings of gratitude is to have a gratitude journal. Whatever you are grateful for, write them down on your paper..  You'll learn that you can be grateful for just about anything there is in your life. One day I wrote that I was grateful that I caught the bus on time and I wasn't late for an appointment. The following day I wrote down I was grateful for missing the bus because it gave me the chance to listen to the birds sing while I waited for another bus. This technique of the Law of Attraction is very effective for changing your thought patterns.

Third move to make is just take the first step. Some people wouldn't normally take a chance to move towards their goal because they don't know the plan on how to get what they want. This shouldn't prevent you.  People that achieved their dreams didn't have any idea what the plan is, to achieve these dreams. Simply take the first step and wait for the next opportunity to come.

At the same time, don't just drag your feet waiting for the traffic lights in your life to turn green. You can take the first step and wait for the Universe to bring in the next opportunity for you. There are times that Universe won't give you the precise thing that you want, but it can give you anything that you like.  Be ready to be flexible and to adjust yourself when the right time comes..  You will be able to accept this important technique Law of Attraction have.

Start to see some real, tangible results in your life once you use these three Law of Attraction techniques. Whatever your goals are in life are, at least you can start to get ideas about things you can do do achieve those goals. You can achieve your dreams and there's nothing left but to have courage and faith for yourself.